Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The One Thing Everybody Wants to Know...

No one told me this, but when you have a baby, there is one question that people ask you almost every single day:

How does the baby sleep?

I'm serious, literally everyone, and their dog, has asked me this exact question. I don't know what it is about babies' sleep that fascinates people so much, but they are extremely curious about it. I guess they expect a very dramatic story about many sleepless nights with the baby screaming in my arms or whatever. 
But since everybody is so interested, I thought it might be a good idea to address it in a separate post, so here we go:

The truth is my baby has actually always slept pretty well at night. It sometimes takes a lot of effort (and patience) to get him to fall asleep, but once he does, he only wakes up two or three times at night to eat and falls right back to sleep. Plus he usually wakes up for the day around 7.30, which is pretty sweet, so no complaints on my side. 

Now, daytime naps are a different story. Unfortunately, I have not been blessed with a baby who takes 2-hour naps three times a day. At the beginning he wouldn't nap by himself at all, so I always had to hold him or lay down with him, so I got literally nothing done, it was great. Now that he's a little older, he will sleep a little better. But to be honest, when he sleeps longer than 30 minutes, I call it a success.

So now you know how my baby sleeps, which I'm sure is something you were dying to know. There's not much more I can write about it without boring myself to sleep :D

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